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由於自己在學校裡面的筆電是採用Python 3, 所以在Python 3裡面有時候要把variable丟回我的macbook工作的時候我就會採用Pickle的方式。

Pickle其實還蠻方便的, 基本上的操作指令如下

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如果再iPython下使用Matplotlib發現import Matplotlib的錯誤的時候可以參考以下的解決方法。

基本上是路徑的錯誤, 基本解決方法是修改./bash_profile檔案

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I have been a trial member for Amazon Prime student and it has been great with free two-day shipping and such. However, there's a recent bump on membership pricing which brings my attention to find out if I should sign up for the monthly membership or the annual membership.

It turns out the monthly membership fee has been increased from 5.49 a month to 6.49 a month, rendering a 12 dollar increase a year compared to the same annual membership fee 49 a year. Therefore I was browsing my amazon account, and I found out the place you need to make the switch is in the Your Account/Manage Your Prime Membership (see the picture). Simply select the Annual option and you have saved 12 dollars. :)

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就是下載一個免費軟體 Language Switcher, link

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I use Amazon S3 to store my static webpage content. It's quite important to me that I can download the whole bucket altogether and fix the error on my laptop.

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