這個問題其實經常很多媽媽在問, 我們也聽過很多不同的說法。比如說大家會說, "18歲以下的孩童不用帶啊", "或者是帶護照或是護照卡以防萬一"。相信很多人也非常的困惑, 不知道哪一個到底是正確的。所以我最近趁有空的時候, 爬了一下美國政府官方的網站,
"TSA does not require children under 18 to provide identification when traveling with a companion within the United States. Contact the airline for questions regarding specific ID requirements for travelers under 18."
前面是說到TSA不要求18歲以下的孩童要出示ID, 但是最後面他也補上一句, "請聯繫航空公司詢問關於ID requirement"。這點出一個很重要的點, ID不單單是你通過安檢(TSA)那邊, 同時你要拿boarding pass那邊也可能會需要看。
United: Children ages 5-14 traveling alone are not required to show ID at time of check-in, however, they are encouraged to carry some form of ID during travel. (帶ID是被鼓勵的, 沒有硬性規定)
JetBlue: Children under the age of 18 and traveling on a domestic flight do not need to show identification or documentation unless they are under 14 days old (physician’s letter required) or are traveling as a lap child (proof of age may be required). ( 沒有提到要帶)
Alaska: Children under the age of 18 don’t need photo ID when they are traveling domestically. (不需要)
- Feb 21 Wed 2018 08:05
[美國: 行] 搭國內線小朋友需不需要帶什麼證件啊?